Carpet cleaning in Westerham, TN16 postcode area

The Best Ever Homemade Carpet Cleaning Solution in Greenwich

As a reputable carpet cleaning company in Greenwich, Mvir Cleaning often gives carpet cleaning advices to their clients. The question that people most often ask them is how to make effective homemade carpet cleaning solution. So the company shares their experience here offering you a recipe for simple-to-make spot-removing carpet cleaning solution that really works.

What are the necessary ingredients?

Mvir Cleaning advises that you use the following common ingredient: baking soda, white vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide.

How to make carpet cleaning solution?

To make the most effective ever carpet cleaning solution in Greenwich, mix the baking soda and white vinegar until a paste is formed. Get an old toothbrush and work the paste into the place where the carpet is stained. Let it sit that way until it dries and then get a vacuum cleaner to vacuum the place. The stain should be removed together with the dried powder.

If your stain is caused by a chocolate or wine, it is tough to remove that way. It will require a different approach to cope with it. Instead of the above paste, apply directly on the stain hydrogen peroxide. It will start fizzing right away. Let it sit until it completely stops fizzing. Then, use a clean rug to dab this area. If you see some improvement but the stain is not completely gone, repeat the produce a few more times.

Certainly, stains are easier to remove when they are treated right after their appearance. You need to keep in mind that the persistent stains are very hard to remove. If you have a stain that cannot be removed with homemade solutions, the best option would be to use professional carpet cleaning services.

What are the benefits of the homemade carpet cleaning solution?

It can really work as the acid that the vinegar contains is able to neutralize the odours and dissolve the stains. In addition to their effectiveness, there are many other advantages that make them preferred by many people. Here they are:

  • The homemade cleaning solutions do not contain any harsh and dangerous chemicals.
  • They do not pollute your air nor agitate allergies, as there are no synthetic fragrances in them.
  • They effectively remove the bad odour.
  • They are effective in stain removal.
  • They are completely safe for the kids or pets if there are any in the house.
  • They save you much money that you would give for the bottles of cleaning solution.

What you need to be conscious about?

When you have made your carpet cleaning solution, ensure to always make a test on a specific invisible spot to see how the solution will work. That would prevent the color change, as there are fabrics that might bleed when they become wet.


Even though that is not cleaning solution bought in the market, ensure to avoid a contact with eyes and too prolonged skin contact. Even though both baking soda and vinegar are non-toxic, they can cause an eye irritation.

It is important to use the cleaned carpet only after it is completely dry.

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