end of tenancy cleaning

How to Pre-treat Carpet Before Steam Cleaning in Four Easy Steps?

There are certain steps to take that will help newbies to clean the carpet effectively. This will save you money and hassles, as you will not have to turn to a carpet cleaning company each time you need to clean your carpet. So let us see how you should prepare for cleaning your carpet.


First, remove all the obstacles from the room


This is something that professional carpet cleaners would also do. They are aware that leaving some of the furniture in the room means that the carpet would not be effectively cleaned everywhere. So the very first step in the pre-treating process is to remove all the tables, chairs, upholstery, tops and papers that are on the floor.

If you decide to not move some of the furniture because they are too heavy, the advice is to place some foil, plastic film, wax paper or wood blocks under the legs, so they would not soak in the moisture. You also should know that if you have anything left in the room, your carpet cleaning would not be complete.

There is another option if you don’t want to move the furniture out of the room. You could move all the upholstery in the one half of the room and to clean the empty half. Then, let the carpet dry completely before you move all the furniture to the cleaned part of the room and clean the rest of the carpet. Ensure it is completely dry before you start using it again.

Second, remove the dust from the baseboards

This should be done before you start carpet cleaning. With time a big layer of dust is accumulated on the baseboards. If you would not remove it beforehand, it can make your carpet even more dirty during the carpet cleaning process. To address that issue, pour some wood polish on a dust cloth and using a long handle remove as much dust as possible.

It is wise to do the same with the ceiling corners and ceiling fans. They contain some extra dust that might fall on the carpet. It will be pity if it happens just after you clean the carpet, won’t it?

Third, vacuum all the carpet thoroughly

This step would remove all the larger particles and hair from the surface. The steam cleaners afterward will pull up the small dirt particles that are settled in bottom and fibres. To perform vacuuming the right way, you should slowly vacuum the entire room and repeat if necessary.


For all the baseboards and edges, you can use a nozzle attachment for efficient cleaning. Fluff should be also vacuumed. The better vacuuming you perform, the more effective would be the steam cleaning afterwards.


Fourth, prepare a stain remover for stubborn stains


Steam cleaners cannot remove all the spots existing on the carpet, so you might have to use a stain remover for that purpose. Apply it before you start steam cleaning. Next, blot it with a clean cloth. Otherwise, it can be later sucked up when you start the machine.

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