Mvir Cleaning operates in London for more than 5 years and already has a reputation as one of the best carpet cleaning services in the region. Southwark is also included in our served areas, so we visited a client in Southwark, who hired us to clean his carpet. He chose us for the following reasons:
- We offer eco-friendly cleaning solutions that do not trigger any adverse reactions, as he suffered from an allergy.
- We work every day of the week, and since he wanted to supervise our work, he insisted to call cleaning professionals in one of his days off – i.e. on Saturday.
- We offer a guarantee for quality, so he was assured that we will redo the work if he finds any imperfection.
- We offer affordable prices, which is important for a person who do not want to spend a fortune for a house maintenance.
- We apply the best cleaning method known as steam carpet cleaning.
As he told us by phone, he considered us to be a perfect choice for his needs. So we went with all out professional gear in Southwark to start cleaning. As we expected, the carpet was neglected from a long time and it managed to accumulate a good portion of dirt and dust till the very bottom. That was a good ground for different microorganisms and bacteria to breed. There was no wonder that the client’s allergy was triggered and he needed an urgent carpet cleaning service.
We asked him does he perform any carpet cleaning maintenance? He answered that he is very busy at work and when he finds some time, he may vacuum clean his carpet once a week, but most often he has no time for that and does it once per two or three weeks. We explained him that this maintenance is very insufficient and that is the reason why his beautiful carpet looks so dirty and dull. In fact, his carpet has turned from a valuable investment into a health hazard that aggravated his allergy. He was surprised to learn that.
Steam Cleaning Process
We provided him a full service of steam carpet cleaning using the power of hot water in a form of steam that comes out from our carpet cleaning machine. It injects that steam down to the very bottom of the carpet’s fibres and kills all the allergens hidden inside. We added an eco-friendly detergent that does not contain any chemicals. It helped loosen the dirt and wash it away. Then, we vacuumed all the residue with our powerful suction machine that left the carpet bright shining.
The client was really amazed of the portion of dirt that came out from his carpet. We explained him that this dirt gradually destroys his carpet, so some preventive measures could be taken from his side, such as:
- To take off his shoes before he steps on the carpet
- To clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner at least once per 1-3 days
- To not eat or drink on the carpet
- To take advantage of our professional cleaning twice per year
He was agreed with all our advices and was really happy with the new look of his carpet. The colours reappeared on the surface and it started to shine from cleanness. He said that was the way it looked when he bought it. We advised him to wait for 3-4 hours for the carpet to dry completely before using it. Mvir Cleaning is happy to help everywhere in London where people need our professional help.